Firm partner Ed Wallis decided several years ago that he needed to do something besides sit behind a desk. After running a half marathon, Ed decided he wanted more – and to tackle two fitness areas that he had never tried as an adult … swimming and cycling. Thus began Ed’s triathlon hobby that has blossomed into a chance for Ed to travel the nation and compete in nature.
The sport of triathlon involves competing three events back to back to back – starting with an open water swim, followed by cycling and finishing with a run. The distances vary by the race, and the weather (and terrain) makes each race special in its own way. Ed wanted to race triathlons to become new again and face adversity. He believes that the sport of triathlon helps him represent his clients.
“During training and races, I find myself in difficult situations,” explained Wallis. “Not only can the training plan be difficult to balance with my work and family commitments, the races themselves are filled with developments that require quick thinking and problem solving. Bike tires can go flat, leg muscles can cramp, and faces can be kicked in the middle of a river. Triathlon has taught me to take each day of training one moment at a time and to problem solve on the fly, which are all skills I use in my trial practice for my clients.”
Ed competed in triathlon races this year in Tennessee, Alabama and Wisconsin. He ended the season competing in his second Ironman 70.3 distance race, which included a 1.2 mile swim in open water, a 56 mile bike ride and a 13.1 mile half marathon run.
He is currently training for a full Ironman race to be completed in Arizona in 2022, which will double the half ironman distance. If he finishes that race, he will swim 2.4 miles, bike 112 miles and run 26.2 miles in under 17 hours. He plans to race in 9 other triathlon events in 2022 leading up to the Tempe-based Ironman Arizona.
“I train to race, and I race to be a better husband, father and representative of my clients,” said Wallis.
The firm is proud of Ed Wallis and his commitment to fitness.