Glassman, Wyatt, Tuttle and Cox, P.C. Attorney Lauran Glassman Stimac served as Chair of the 7th Annual Literacy Is Key event on February 2, 2017. This signature event raises money to put books in the hands of children and help alleviate the problem of illiteracy in the Mid-South. Proceeds from the luncheon are donated to local literacy organizations, primarily First Book Mid-South which works with local community programs and schools to provide an ongoing supply of new books and educational resources to children in need. Three nationally renowned authors travelled to Memphis to speak at the event – Elin Hilderbrand, Karen White, and Deborah Wiles. The approximately 500 attendees enjoyed watching the interviews of those authors conducted by Memphis’ own Joe Birch of WMC Action News 5. The event is planned and executed by volunteers from the Memphis Kappa Kappa Gamma Alumnae Association.
Here is Ms. Stimac with WMC anchor Joe Birch and special guests Elin Hilderbrand, Karen White, and Deborah Wiles.